GODS Unfollow


Collection of illustrations about Gods and what their behaviour would be if they had social media accounts in this society.

what would it look like, if the ancient gods (according to history), would consume social media like we do now a days?
Would they become violent about it? Addicted to it? Would they act like “god influencers”?

I started to think about…

Perseus Unfollows.

Based on “Perseus with the Head of Medusa”, a bronze sculpture made by Benvenuto Cellini between1545–1554.

Hercules "Hold Still".

Hercules takes a selfie with Nessus, son of Centaurus.
Based on the “Hercules and Nessus” sculpture, 1599.

"No More DM's".

Achilles takes Polyxena away from her social media fans.
Based on the “Abduction of Polyxena”, by Pio Fedi, done in 1855.


Glowing Glowing Gone


Portuguese Icons